Dominique Chantel seeks to help as many people as possible discover their purpose,  discover values that foster growth and fulfillment.

Speaker, Author, Teacher, Thought Leader

“Dominique’s ability to birth purpose out of pain is so empowering to women around this world. You will not regret going on this journey with her.”

-Cierra “Fly” Bobo

Founder of Fly Life, Inc

CEO of June Marie Brand

Author & Motivational Speaker

The Dominique Chantel Show

The Dominique Chantel Podcast.  Tired of feeling stuck? 🎧 This podcast is your guide to healing, growth, and love. Discover powerful tools and insights to overcome challenges, embrace your potential, and build fulfilling relationships. Listen now and start your journey to a happier, healthier you.

Dominique Chantel

Heal. Grow. Love.

Helping You to Heal, Grow and Love through Biblical Principles!


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The silence was deafening. After years of a life intertwined with another, I found myself alone, adrift in a sea of uncertainty. The divorce was final, the paperwork signed, and the echoes of 'I do' now seemed like a distant memory. I was a woman in pieces, struggling to pick up the shattered fragments of my identity.

It was in this vulnerable state that I turned to the source of strength I'd always known: the Bible. Its words, once a comfort in my marriage, became a lifeline in the storm of my divorce. I delved into scriptures that spoke of healing, forgiveness, and self-worth. I clung to verses like Psalm 34:18, 'The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit,' finding solace in the knowledge that I wasn't alone in my pain.

My journey wasn't easy. There were days filled with tears, nights of restless sleep, and a constant gnawing fear of the unknown. Yet, amidst the turmoil, I began to see a path forward. The Bible became my compass, guiding me towards self-discovery and healing.

Embracing the Power of Forgiveness

Forgiveness, I learned, wasn't about condoning the pain, but about releasing myself from its grip. It wasn't about forgetting, but about choosing not to be consumed by bitterness. The words of Ephesians 4:32, 'Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you,' resonated deeply. I began to forgive myself for the mistakes I'd made, and to forgive my ex-husband for his choices. This act of letting go, though challenging, was the first step towards healing.

Rediscovering My Intrinsic Worth

The Bible taught me that my worth wasn't tied to my marital status or the opinions of others. It was inherent, a gift bestowed upon me by God. Psalm 139:13-14, 'For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made,' became my mantra. I started to see myself through God's eyes, recognizing the beauty and strength that existed within me.

Cultivating Self-Love and Confidence

As I embraced my intrinsic worth, my self-confidence began to blossom. The Bible encouraged me to be a woman of strength and grace, reminding me that I was capable of achieving anything I set my mind to. Proverbs 31:25, 'She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come,' became a source of inspiration. I started to make choices that aligned with my values, focusing on personal growth and pursuing my passions.

Opening My Heart to Love Again

The journey wasn't just about healing, but about growth. It was about learning to love myself first, so I could be open to loving another. The Bible taught me that love is patient, kind, and does not boast. It's a love that seeks the good of the other. 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 became my guide in looking for love again, reminding me to seek someone who would cherish me for who I am.

Today, I stand tall, a woman transformed. The divorce, while painful, became a catalyst for self-discovery and growth. I've learned to embrace my own strength, to forgive, and to love myself unconditionally. I've also learned that love, in its purest form, is a gift from God. It's a gift that I'm now ready to receive, with a heart filled with hope and a spirit that's ready to bloom.

I WISH to do the same for you let me help you HEAL. GROW. LOVE.

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